gale scholar(gale primary sources检索平台)-pg电子游戏

 gale scholar(gale primary sources检索平台)-pg电子游戏
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gale scholar(gale primary sources检索平台)

发布时间:2019.08.30 来源: 浏览次数:
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gale是全球领先的参考文献出版商(reference  publisher),已有60多年的历史,因其出版的高品质的权威参考书而闻名全球,gale公司创建并维护着  600  多个在线数据库,包含大量的学术全文期刊、参考书、报纸、杂志、手稿、文献、照片、多媒体资源、原始典藏等权威信息。

gale  scholar是gale公司的大型数据库集成产品, 为用户呈现 1  亿 7000 万页、跨越全球 500  年历史的珍稀原始文献资源,最早的历史资料可追溯到十五世纪,资料类型包括图书、地图、照片、报纸、手稿、期刊、视频和音频等。

gale  scholar各子库独立访问链接如下:


direct  url

17th  and 18th century burney collection

19th  century uk periodicals

american fiction,  1774-1920

archives  unbound

archives of sexuality  & gender

associated press  collections online

brazilian and portuguese  history and culture

british  library newspapers

british  literary manuscripts online

chatham  house online archive

china  from empire to republic

crime,  punishment, and popular culture 1790-1920

early  arabic printed books from the british library

eighteenth century  collections online

indigenous peoples: north  america

liberty  magazine historical archive, 1924-1950

national geographic  virtual library

nineteenth century  collections online

nineteenth century u.s.  newspapers

picture  post historical archive

punch  historical archive, 1841-1992

sabin  americana, 1500-1926

slavery  and anti-slavery: a transnational archive

smithsonian collections  online

sources  in u.s. history online: slavery in america

sources  in u.s. history online: the american revolution

sources  in u.s. history online: the civil war

state  papers online

the  illustrated london news historical archive, 1842-2003

the  making of modern law: foreign primary sources

the  making of modern law: foreign, comparative and international law,  1600-1926

the  making of modern law: legal treatises, 1800-1926

the  making of modern law: primary sources

the  making of modern law: trials, 1600-1926

the  making of the modern world

the  times digital archive

times  literary supplement historical archive, 1902-2012

u.s.  declassified documents online

u.s.  supreme court records and briefs, 1832-1978

world  scholar: latin america and the caribbean

women's  studies archive: women’s movements and issues

17th  and 18th century nichols newspapers collection

international herald  tribune historical archive 1887-2013

american amateur  newspapers

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