美国数学学会(american mathematical society,简称ams)创建于1888年,多年来一直致力于促进全球数学研究的发展及其应用,也为数学教育服务。ams出版物包括数学评论(mathematical reviews)及多种专业期刊和图书。目前收录内容达到190万条记录,并以每年7.4万条的速度增长,提供36万条链接,指引用户查看550种期刊原始文献,是检索世界领域数学文献的重要工具。其中journal of american mathematical society 在全球289种纯数学类期刊中影响因子排名第一, memoirs of the american mathematical society排名第八。ams集团刊内容涵盖美国数学学会自己出版的六份核心刊物、俄罗斯科学院出版的两份核心数学刊以及日本数学协会出版的一份核心刊物。
刊名 |
url |
journal of the american mathematical society (jams) |
mathematics of computation (mcom) |
memoirs of the american mathematical society (memo) |
proceedings of the american mathematical society (proc) |
transactions of the american mathematical society (tran) |
transactions of the moscow mathematical society (mosc) |
st.petersburg mathematical journal (mmje) |
theory of probability and mathematical statistics (tpms) |
sugaku expositions (suga) |
moscow mathematical journal |
http://www.mathjournals.org/mmj/ |
quarterly of applied mathematics |
https://www.ams.org/publications/journals/journalsframework/qam |
journal of the ramanujan mathematical society |
http://www.mathjournals.org/jrms/ |
journal of operator theory |
http://www.mathjournals.org/jot/ |
journal of algebraic geometry |
https://www.ams.org/publications/journals/journalsframework/jag |